I most certainly do believe in different
stories being told to different people, who have different levels of
knowledge, where a second group that knows that the official story
cannot be true is told a different story, that still is not the truth.
I believe I have identified two other cases were the same thing
happened, both of them related to the nuclear demolition of the WTC,
because both of them also involved mini-nuclear explosions.
And this ones are
(1) the Oklahoma City bombing and
(2) the Chernobyl incident.
Concerning the first case of the Oklahoma City bombing, everyone knows
the official story involving Timothy McVeigh etc... (First Truth)
But what I recently learned was that, for certain people inside the government and police forces, what was told was that the explosion was the result of a "sting operation" gone wrong.
I deduce from this is that, everyone that is part of the higher
echelons of the government and of the police forces knows that the kind
of extremist groups the McVeigh supposedly belonged to are always
infiltrated by government agents, and that there is no way that
something like that could ever happen without the government knowing
about it in advance. So, for people who know this, what was told was
that "Yes, we did know about it. And we were going to make sure nobody
would be killed. But we failed to do so." (Second Truth)
Now, what
more well-informed people researching this kind of subjects know, is
that neither of the previous stories are true, and that the government
itself not only knew about it in advance, but was itself the entity
responsible for the bombing, and that what really caused such
destruction in the FBI building, was the use of mini-nuclear bombs.
(Third Truth, that, everything indicates, is the real Truth)
Concerning the second case of Chernobyl, almost everyone still believes
today that the incident was the result of an accident. (First Truth)
But if you read Dr. John Coleman's booklet Nuclear Power: Anathema to the New World Order,
you'll read in there that "the explosion was caused by trying to make
weapons grade plutonium at a commercial nuclear plant designed to
generate electricity and totally unsuited for making plutonium".
Dr. Coleman a person who, like Daniel Estulin, still has contacts in
government and intelligence circles, what I assume is that, that was
what was told to certain people in the Soviet government who constitute
Dr. Coleman's direct or indirect sources. So, what I deduce is that,
that is what was told to professionals in the nuclear industry who know
that a reactor doesn't simply explode like that.
In other words, from what I understand, what people who know how a nuclear power plant works
- and that there is no way that something like that could ever happen -
were told, was that the accident was the result of a deliberate
decision to violate normal procedures and security measures. Since
there's no way that could happen in a normally-functioning nuclear power
plant. (Second Truth)
But if you read Daniel Estulin's and Dimitri
Khalezov's statements about this, you'll know that the explosion was the
result of a sabotage ordered by the West, where a mini-nuke was used.
(The main purpose of which was to try to demonize the use of nuclear
energy, in order to try to advance the agenda of deindustrialization.)
(Third Truth, that, everything indicates, is the real Truth)