***THE MAIN BOARDS - Welcome to the Prison Planet Forum*** / Rockefeller/Rothschild current false flag plans / one piece of Hegelian Propaganda produced by the Rockefeller Foundation
on: 11 January 2009, 23:37
post is, in my opinion, one that is most suitable to be published in
this sub-forum ("Rockefeller/Rothschild current false flag plans"). "Hegelian
Propaganda" is a term I came up with to describe propaganda designed to
make people act in a certain way, desired by the people who produce it,
so that the behaviour in question can be used as "thesis", to be
combined with a previously elaborated "antithesis", to produce the
desired "synthesis" in the good use of the Hegelian Dialectic. In
this specific case, I refer to the type of Hegelian Dialectic that is
often seen in demonstrations, where the police will either provoke
people to attack them, or plant some of their own among the
demonstrators and destroy property or instigate people to attack the
uniformed ones, so that they can present the following repression that
takes place as required intervention or an act of self-defense. This
example, that I call the attention for, is most amusing, because in
this film they didn't even bother to hide their funding. So if
you're interested in watching one piece of this type of propaganda,
check out this very bad one called "The Fourth World War": http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3604591910224149865Notice the type of actions that are praised, and portraited as positive, and then pay special attention to the end credits. And speaking of this, by the way: In
case you liked the film "V for Vendetta"[1] or "The Matrix" trilogy,
you might also be interested in comparing the following, and then think
a little about the underlying (basic) plot of the films: 1)
The movies themselves have a big "WB" logo at the start, but if you
don't know which company has produced both of them, the websites say it
all: http://vforvendetta.warnerbros.com/http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/2) Some Bilderberg Club attendances taken from the site bilderberg.org: Bilderberg 1991: Pearlstine, Norman - Senior Advisor, Time Warner Inc. Bilderberg 1999: Levin, Gerald - CEO, Time Warner Inc. Bilderberg 2006: Pearlstine, Norman - Senior Advisor, Time Warner Inc. Now
why would one the most powerful media and entertainment corporations,
connected to the brainwashing CFR[2] and repeatedly represented at
meetings of the Bilderberg Club - a group connected to the brainwashing
expert Tavistock Institute[3] (and, again, to the brainwashing CFR) and
that is part of the top of the "system" pyramid - be producing films
with such a big "anti-system" thematic? Only for profit and
entertainment? I know that in the case of "The Matrix" trilogy,
the parallels are more subtle, yet many people see them. But in case
you disagree with this first point-of-view, what about the "V for
Vendetta" movie, where the connection to the present political reality
is most strong? Is this just pure coincidence? http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?doit=done&tt=url&intl=1&fr=bf-home&trurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.danielestulin.com%2F%3Fop%3Dnoticias%26noticias%3Dver%26id%3D95%26idioma%3D&lp=es_en&btnTrUrl=Translatehttp://www.prisonplanet.com/greece-style-riots-coming-to-us.html#comment-105743----- 1. based on a very possible false flag event ( http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/richard_morrison/article386885.ece, http://www.gunpowder-plot.org/) 2. connections made in Daniel Estulin's "Club Bilderberg" and in The John Birch Society's video "Behind the Big News" ( http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6632255652046262625); check out Dr. Coleman's monographs about brainwashing and the press ( http://coleman300.com/white.htm) 3. http://coleman300.com/books.htm#tavistock
***THE MAIN BOARDS - Welcome to the Prison Planet Forum*** / Global Warming Fraud intended to increase central control / My explanation for the Man-Made Global Warming fraud
on: 12 October 2008, 17:59
with the help of CFR-members like Al Gore, Man-Made Global Warming as a
scary problem, a global one that needs a global solution, and
therefore, what better organization to solve it than the UN, and as an
excuse to implement global taxes, explains why this apparent false
problem is being used by the globalists to empower the UN. http://mises.org/story/2571http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=5086http://www.prisonplanet.tv/audio/270505estulin.htmYet,
there's another more elaborate explanation to add to why this, after
all not human-caused, problem is being so much talked about in the
controlled media/propaganda arms of the New World Order. Here in
Europe, at least, this whole story is being used by the
Bilderberg-controlled puppet regimes to sign theatrical "agreements" to
"curb CO2 emissions" that will force Europe to deindustrialize. And
until recently I thought this was just a camouflage they were building
for the Peak Oil phenomenon in order not to scare people about the huge
problems this last fact will bring. (I know Alex doesn't believe in
Peak Oil, but that's another discussion to be made elsewhere.) But
after hearing again a lecture by Dr. John Coleman where he talks about
an organization somewhat known among people with ecological concerns,
called "The Club of Rome", that published a famous report called
"Limits to Growth", I think I finally got the main reason for this
whole fraud. Empowering the UN was an obvious explanation, yet
this purpose alone always seemed a bit far-fetched to me. That they
would pick up something as "secondary" as ecological problems to
fulfill their geo-political goals. It's not only about empowering the UN. It's mainly about population reduction and destroying the middle-class.
Their plan is to "kill two birds with one stone" by deindustrializing the world. The
population reduction goal is one thing Alex has repeatedly called the
attention for and slightly mentioned in connection with the global
warming hoax in his documentary "Endgame", where he shows a poor
argument, made in some analysis, saying people itself cause too much
CO2(!). And the latter objective is mentioned, together with the
former, by both Daniel Estulin and Dr. John Coleman. I'll present the two quotes that explain it. (In
order to understand why the whole story about Man-Made Global Warming
is, as all the new data that has come forth appears to show, "the
greatest deception in the history of Science", check out the great
documentary, produced by Britain's Channel 4, called "The Great Global
Warming Swindle" - http://www.garagetv.be/video-galerij/blancostemrecht/The_Great_Global_Warming_Swindle_Documentary_Film.aspx - or one of this two: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3309910462407994295 , http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5949034802461518010 ) [The * symbols are there because I cannot understand the name he mentions.] "The
Club of Rome is one of the most insidious, baneful organizations in
existence today, which has done intolerable, immeasurable, harm to the
United States of America. This Committee of 300 told a man called *****
***** to form this Club of Rome with the main object of bringing down
the industries and the agricultural development of the United States.
He immediately wrote a paper in which he said there are too many people
on the Earth. And that the United States with its industrial
development, its agricultural development, is responsible for this
curse of overpopulation. And he picked up the documentation for his
work from Lord Bertrand Russel, a senior statesman of the Committee of
300. And Lord Bertrand Russel had written a work called "The Impact of
Science on Society". And if you can ever secure a copy of that book,
which I doubt you'll be able to get, you will see in there that he said
the world is grossly overpopulated and we have to get rid of, at least,
half of the world's population. And it doesn't matter how we do it. So
the Club of Rome was instituted and organized to start an attack on the
world's population using the United States as a whipping boy. And they
came up with a paper called "The Zero-Growth Post-Industrial Plan for
Industry and Agriculture for the United States of America". Three days
after that plan was accepted as official United States policy by James
Earl Carter I was able to, through my intelligence people, get a copy
of this insidious document. Basically what it said was that the
middle-class in the United States of America had to be destroyed.
Because in the coming push to a World Order, the middle-class would be
the stumbling block. Because History had shown that the peasant class,
in ancient days, when they had revolted, was just easily crushed. There
was no resistance. But now had grown a new super class of people in the
United States called the middle-class who had long-term employment, who
had job security, who were well-paid, who could afford to buy the
products that were made by the United States and didn't need to buy
products from China or anywhere else. And the Club of Rome
"Post-Industrial Zero-Growth" paper said this has got to stop. We have
to bring down the middle-class of the United States. And the way that
we will do this, the way that we will accomplish this task, is by
crushing their industries."--- Dr. John Coleman, (32m44s) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=170819614143019768"Their
final goal is the control of absolutely everything in the world, in
every sense of the word. They act like they were God on Earth. Among
their plans they seek" (...) "- A 'post-industrial zero-growth'
society, that will end industrialization and the production of electric
nuclear power (except for the computer and services industries). The
Canadian and American industries that are left will be exported to poor
countries like Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Nicaragua, etc, in which there
is cheap work force. (...) "- Zero-growth is necessary to destroy
all traces of prosperity and divide society between masters and slaves.
When there is prosperity, there is progress, which makes repression
much more difficult." (...) "- The death of four billion people,
that Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller jokingly call "useless
eaters" through wars, hunger and diseases. This will happen until the
year 2050."--- Daniel Estulin, best translation I can make from the Spanish version of "Club Bilderberg" (Man-Made Global Warming propagandist) Greenpeace and (land-grabbing) WWF, by the way, are controlled by "them" http://www.activistcash.com/organization_financials.cfm/oid/131http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Wide_Fund_for_Natureand the Brazilian secret service has even produced a report denouncing they are just fronts for this guys. http://www.amazonia.org.br/noticias/noticia.cfm?id=159911The same thing goes for the so-called "Union of Concerned Scientists" that I read about in this scary report http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/081803_peril_pt1.htmlas Dr. Coleman denounces in his book "The Conspirator's Hierarchy". There
are obvious real ecological problems, like poisoning due to excessive
pollution and such, that we should all be concerned about. But we have
to now be very aware as to who calls our attention for them and
question which ones are real, which ones are being exaggerated and,
like Man-Made Global Warming, which ones are being fabricated. http://www.bilderbergbook.com/http://www.danielestulin.com/?idioma=enhttp://coleman300.com/
Globalization and the plan for NWO / EU/Unfair Trade/Globalization / the "Black Nobility" origin of Bilderberg
on: 06 June 2008, 17:41
the following interview, Estulin says he is working on a book about it,
but, from what I know, he has become quite pessimistic about all this,
so I'm not sure if it's going to be published... - "portuguese
anarchist"] "the Bilderbergers. Behind this secret
society is a contemporary network of powerful private merchant-banking
interests of medieval Venetian financier oligarchical model known as
fondi. British and Dutch East India Companies, the forerunners of the
Council of the 300 and the Bilderbergers are examples of these private
merchant banks. Their final objective is a post-industrial society.
Actually, their real name is Synarchists. «Synarchism» is used to
define a new concept of political alliances by an international
brotherhood of financiers and industrialists through a unity of the
socialists and the anarchists on fascist principles."--- Daniel Estulin, interviewed by a Brazilian newspaper ( http://www.danielestulin.com/ciacms/media/pdf/pdf29112006-67516.pdf) "It
is essentially a private criminal enterprise which stretches across the
globe, operating through a network of government agencies, private
institutions and both publically owned and private corporations and
financial institutions. Now this extended network, which is called the
fondi, stretches all the way back to the Middle Ages. Again the fondi
is the combined wealth of these oligarchical families. It is
concentrated in your tangible things: land, oil, raw materials,
precious minerals and metals. And by controlling the financial trade of
these items, these family fathers set up fondis that are pooled
together for maximum effect and deployed through a number of financial
institutions, which hide their origins from the unsuspecting public. At
the heart of the fondi system, you have the powerful merchant private
banks such as the Rothschild banks. And even more powerful than
Rothschild is the Lazard bank. One of the reasons that the
Bilderbergers have never been able to discredit me is that historically
I can show you that what today is called the Bilderberg Club can be
traced back in time to the Venetian Black Nobility, 500 years ago."--- Daniel Estulin, interviewed by a Barcelonian journalist ( http://barcelonadiary-lishman.blogspot.com/2008/02/interview-with-estulin.html) "One such Venetian Black Nobility family is the Guelphs, from which the present Queen of England, Elizabeth II comes."--- Dr. John Coleman, "The Black Nobility Unmasked Worldwide"( http://www.coleman300.com/white.htm)
Globalization and the plan for NWO / EU/Unfair Trade/Globalization / an introduction to Bilderberg's "older brother"
on: 06 June 2008, 17:36
Committee of 300 is the ultimate secret society made up of an
untouchable ruling class, which includes the Queen of England, the
Queen of the Netherlands, the Queen of Denmark and the royal families
of Europe. These aristocrats decided at the death of Queen Victoria,
the matriarch of the Venetian Black Guelphs that, in order to gain
world-wide control, it would be necessary for its aristocratic members
to «go into business» with the non-aristocratic but extremely powerful
leaders of corporate business on a global scale, and so the doors to
ultimate power were opened to what the Queen of England likes to refer
to as «the commoners.»"--- Dr. John Coleman, "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300"( http://coleman300.com/view_300.htm) "Wake up America! - Dr. John Coleman (Illuminati, Committee of 300)" http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=170819614143019768
Globalization and the plan for NWO / EU/Unfair Trade/Globalization / the Bilderberg-Illuminati connection
on: 06 June 2008, 02:39
Communist Manifesto of 1848, an unabridged, unaltered copy of which is
kept in the British Museum in London. There is an extract of the
manifesto, allegedly the work of Karl Marx (Mordechai Levy) and
Friedrich Engels, but was actually written by members of the
Illuminati, which is still very active today through their top 13
council members in the United States."
--- Dr. John Coleman,
"Diplomacy By Deception, An Account Of The Treasonous Conduct By The
Governments Of Britain And The United States"
strands of the Illuminati were woven into radical movements in Ireland,
Italy, Germany, and the Americas. In 1815, with the final defeat of
Napoleon, European statesmen undertook to suppress the remnants of the
Order. However, as Librarian of Congress James H. Billington has
documented, the Illuminati's offshoots – such as the Italian Carbonari
and the League of Outlaws, which became the League of the Just –
continued to thrive. "In 1848, a disreputable hack journalist named
Karl Marx, working on contract with the League of the Just, published
the Communist Manifesto, which digested the Illuminist program into a
form suitable for mass action."
--- The John Birch Society, "Illuminati"
"The author uncovered considerable evidence in the British Museum that Weishaupt was a mere servant of the Rothschilds."
--- Dr. John Coleman, "Illuminati In America, 1776-1996"
steering committee decides who to invite — those who the London
Guardian calls, aptly, a «Bilderberg person», a concept that hasn't
changed in 50 years of secret meetings — a fabian socialist and a New
World Order enthusiast."
--- Daniel Estulin, "Clube Bilderberg, Os Senhores Do Mundo"
Socialism began with the Fabian Society, which in their words,
«consists of Socialists who allied themselves with the Communist
Manifesto of 1848,» written by Karl Marx"
--- Dr. John Coleman, "One World Order: Socialist Dictatorship"
Multimedia and other resources / Video / Re: Rare New World Order video now available on Google Video
on: 05 June 2008, 21:06
better saying, now that I've watch it again (I had watch it 3 times 5
years ago and didn't remember any copyright warning), the author,
during the video, talks about a "licensing agreement in the manuals"
and for people to sent it to him for his permission to
"take"(?)/"tape"(?) "this videotape to others". The video,
from what I understand, is more than 20 years old, I don't know what
the "licensing agreement" is and the website I downloaded it from
doesn't exist anymore, so I can't contact the webmaster to know more
about the license. Because of all of this I don't know if I'm
authorized to upload it to Google. And since I'm really bad in terms of money and don't have the patience to write an overseas letter to the author, I'm VERY SORRY to say that I will take it off from Google.  Out of respect for the person in question, I think that this is the most correct thing to do(?).  I feel really bad for having come here with an apparent good news and to have disappointed you. The video has, anyway, been uploaded about a month ago to registration-needed www.veoh.com with apparent better quality, I don't know if authorized or not. In
case anyone living in the US knows anything about this, I'll wait until
tomorrow night to see if anyone has left here a message and then I'll
delete it from Google.  The author's contact if anyone's interested is: George W. Hunt 95 Camino Bosque Boulder, Colorado 80302 Once again, I'm VERY SORRY for all this. 
Multimedia and other resources / Video / Re: Rare New World Order video now available on Google Video
on: 04 June 2008, 23:33
Well, it was uploaded 3 days ago and, until today, I would get the same "may not be available" message. (In
Google Video's support page it said it would take some time, after it
was successfully uploaded and approved, before it was available for
people to watch it.) But today I went strait to Google
Video's home page and it appeared in the search results, leading me to
believe that it is available for everyone. And since at
least two more people here can watch it (I can also see one person has
already rated it), I deduce I'm not having some kind of special access
to it due to the google cookies I have. I speculate that maybe some of your ISP's mirrors(?) have not been updated(?) yet. I don't know... But
I think that for the people who are not yet able to watch it, it might
be just a question of some hours or a few days. I hope...  If
the problem is not solved within a week or so, leave a message here and
I'll contact Google. I'll come back here to check the page. The video has no copyright, so I exclude the possibility of having been taken off the site. Yes,
it's quite religious. I'm not a religious person myself also, but I
think the rest of the video is quite interesting and really worth
watching. Especially the part when the author plays a tape where you
can hear one of the "Superclass" members calling us "cannon fodder"
(sic). (We already know that they think that of us, but it's incredible
when you can actually get a proof of it.) (I think I know
why one can't alter a post that was already commented. If that was
possible one person could possible be made a fool of if the post author
changed the message completely, leaving a nonsense conversation with
the commentators responding to something that was not there anymore.) 