on: 13 June 2009, 18:47
This is the way to keep complete track of every single human being every second of his existence.
Of course. There's
nothing like a visual representation to immediately understand a lot of
things. Otherwise you have to ask the computer for various data and
then connect the dots in your mind to "get a picture" of what's going
on. This allows our surveillors to make a movie of everyone's
life, in a continuously recording virtual world, and rewind that same
movie, whenever they want, to know what we were doing on a certain day. Integrated
into the "Total Information Awareness" network, this is especially
useful for monitoring interactions between people. Like literally
"seeing" you stopping to talk to someone on the street. Or where were
you with a certain person, on a certain day. Otherwise a surveillor
would have to ask the computer about this and that environmental factor
and then mentally combine the different spacial elements, in order to
have a better understanding of what's going on. Combined with
TIA, this is like having personal spies following, and gathering
detailed records about, everyone, all interacting together and
continuously reporting specific analyses whenever asked to - the wet
dream of any police state controller. I can already
imagine the Big Brother operators going back and forward in time, in a
person's life movie, clicking on his or her friend's avatars to see
their profile and records, zooming in and out in the virtual world to
see people interacting from afar, like they were in Second Life, or,
when following a person in real time, immediately locating, contacting
and directing the closest police officers to go after that same person,
etc. Je...
Globalization and the plan for NWO / Technology / Re: Infowars OS 2009
on: 12 June 2009, 06:49
I've just tested it, and it works fine as a live CD. I
see you have put the links for the web sites in the "Applications"
menus. I suspected you would. But thought you might also put them
instead as bookmarks in Firefox, as I, and surely other people in here
also, have. I see in another post of yours that you are trying to
discover how to do this. Great! That would make it a more "proper"
distribution and, I guess, maybe one eligible to appear on DistroWatch?
Now that would be great. The day it appeared there. To have all the
GNU/Linux users reading the announcement and asking "What the
hell..."  hehe (It would be a great anti-NWO publicity stunt.)
***THE MAIN BOARDS - Welcome to the Prison Planet Forum*** / Mind Control / Re: IN YOUR FACE NWO PLANS - Predictive Programming and Popcorn
on: 06 June 2009, 01:01
What could be the subliminal message in that movie? (Theorizing a bit...) For a start, it's a plot that legitimizes extra-judicial killings. But
generally speaking, one thing I've often seen in movies that depict
criminal activities within the "system" is that they will present all
the criminal things that usually happen as the actions of some
people within the system, but not all, when in reality a well informed
person knows better (that all, or almost all, the members of the group
in question are a bunch of criminals). They'll then present some "good
guys" belonging to the same class as the "bad guys", with the former
being against the actions of the latter and actively fighting them.
Also, sometimes they'll present the "good guys" using the same criminal
and unlawful methods permitted or tolerated by the system either
against the bad guys or to practice some "good deed", therefore
legitimizing it's use. ("Oh, I guess it's a good thing they use that
kind of methods then. 'The end justifies the means, right?'"). So the moral is: it's not the system itself that is wrong, it's only some people within the system. Or,
in other words, there's nothing wrong with a system that facilitates or
allows the type of criminal activities that are portraited. The wrong
thing about it is that some people take advantage of the wrongfully
built system. But don't worry when you hear about this kind of things
happening in the real world. (Don't do anything about it.) Surely, like
in the movie you saw, there are some good people on the inside fighting
against it. And, by the way. There's no such thing as a "good
banker". They're all a bunch of pimps and thieves. If you're not aware
of it, learn about fractional reserve banking, fiat currency, etc[1].
Modern banking is an outrageous and incredible form of theft. --- 1. a good introduction might be the video "Money as Debt" ( http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2550156453790090544)
***THE MAIN BOARDS - Welcome to the Prison Planet Forum*** / General Discussion / Interesting quote about Democracy by Portuguese bilderberger
on: 30 May 2009, 17:20
"Democracy is a theater. It's not by some reason that Theater and Democracy were born in the same city-state - Classic Athens.
It's a theater in the positive meaning of the term, where people
confront each other in the name of ideals, proposals and also of
personalities, naturally, but confront each other with words, not
weapons, only armed with words. That's what makes the enchantment of
Democracy. And then it has a system of control that makes the people,
in a last instance, the sovereigns of the reagents."--- Augusto Santos Silva, in an interview to a Portuguese state TV channel on February of 2009 ( http://www.ps.pt/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1177&Itemid=26) *** "What
then is the function of a Parliament or a Congress for Hegetians? These
institutions are merely to allow individuals to feel that opinions have
some value and to allow a government to take advantage of whatever
wisdom the 'peasant' may accidentally demonstrate. As Hegel puts it:
'By virtue of this participation, subjective liberty and conceit, with
their general opinion, (individuals) can show themselves palpably
efficacious and enjoy the satisfaction of feeling themselves to count
for something.'"
--- Antony C. Sutton, "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones"
Globalization and the plan for NWO / EU/Unfair Trade/Globalization / Re: the Bilderberg-Illuminati connection
on: 30 May 2009, 13:30
discussion between left and right, while essential to promote change,
is never allowed to develop into a discussion along the lines of
Jeffersonian democracy, i.e., the best government is least government.
The discussion and the funding is always towards more state power, use
of state power and away from individual rights. So it doesn’t matter
from the viewpoint of The Order whether it is termed left, right,
Democratic, Republican, secular or religious - so long as the
discussion is kept within the framework of the State and the power of
the State. "This is the common feature between the seemingly
dissimilar positions taken by members - they have a higher common
objective in which clash of ideas is essential. So long as rights of
the individual are not introduced into the discussion the clash of
ideas generates the conflict necessary for change. "As the objective
is also global control an emphasis is placed on global thinking, i.e.,
internationalism. This is done through world organizations and world
---Antony C. Sutton, "America’s Secret Establishment"
***THE MAIN BOARDS - Welcome to the Prison Planet Forum*** / Activism / Portuguese "anti-Bilderberg" party campaigning for the Committee of 300
on: 29 May 2009, 21:10
This is not a joke. I've just found out the strangest fact concerning Bilderberg exposure here in Portugal. The
Portuguese "Monarchical Popular Party" that wants to put back as head
of state a King belonging to the House of Bragança - a House member of
the Committee of 300[1] and that is part of the Venetian Black
Nobility[2] - is campaigning for seats in the European Parliament, from
what I see in their blog[3], largely on an anti-Bilderberg stand. Unless
this is the start of an internal war between the NWO's "House of Lords"
and the "House of Commons", which I seriously doubt, given the common
membership between the two groups for a start, there's something very
wrong here. But knowing that the head of the party's list of
people to be elected is a journalist, who used to work for a tabloid,
that has been talking about the Bilderberg Club in his blog[4] and that
has published some things about "sensitive" issues[5], I suspect he's
not trying to become some sort of false leader but the one pushing the
Bilderberg issue inside the party and that he doesn't even know what
the Committee of 300 is... "Portuguese party denounces Bilderberg politicians" (news in English) http://www.mathaba.net/news/?x=620410--- 1. http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=434432. http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=434443. http://ppmeuropa2009.blogspot.com/search/label/Bilderberg4. http://paramimtantofaz.blogspot.com/search/label/Bilderberg5. (political, secret services-related stuff) http://ofimdademocracia.blogspot.com/
***THE MAIN BOARDS - Welcome to the Prison Planet Forum*** / CIA'S PROJECT MOCKINGBIRD: Mainstream Media / War and Tyranny Propaganda / Al Jazeera English - controlled opposition all the way
on: 24 May 2009, 02:06
 This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about when I say to everybody how great Al Jazeera is. I've
been following this channel since late 2007/early 2008 and, since I've
learned that it's funded[1] by the Emir of Qatar - a US military
ally[2] - I've tried to look for signs that may indicate it can be a
controlled "alternative" news source by pr*xy, like the ones of the
kind I talk about in a previous post[3] of mine, but have not seen any. This really seems to be a great international TV news channel that is honestly trying to be independent! Apart
from having also very good documentaries, the news reporting is fair,
air time is given to the different parts involved and the different
programmes' themes are very well chosen, like a very good one that
every week analysis how biased other news sources are, called the
"Listening Post"[4]. Here are some great interviews and programmes I decided to share for you to see how great this channel is: * Riz Khan interviewing John Perkins - author of the best-seller "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK6B4Uogtso* American Libertarians, behold, an interview with Jesse Ventura about the ongoing Revolution there in the US: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6_gTstYDwshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSsWJ3vWZOU* And another interview with Ventura in another program, where he mentions the strange facts concerning 9/11: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SoxTEn833Ihttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqXl44Kp8vo* A fair debate about gun laws in the US: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xH0TGaYXrq4http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be6-qysOEqE* And an interesting skeptical, but unbiased and honest, coverage of 9/11 Truth: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VplrNT96niYOne
programme I'll never forget (but don't have the time now to search
through the youtube archive) was an early edition of "Inside Iraq"
where at a time a Muslim cleric, I think, mentioned he had proofs that
the bomb blasts in Iraq were CIA and Mossad false flag operations, were
the occupying forces would blame Sunnis for the Shiite killings and
blame the Shiites for the Sunni killings, to which an US government
representative only repeatedly responded "That is outrageous!" (not
asking for the evidence to be shown). They even used the outrageous
part for some weeks in a promo for the programme. Homepage: http://english.aljazeera.net/YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/AlJazeeraEnglish--- 1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Jazeera#Funding2. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/facility/udeid.htm3. http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=107184.msg6511934. http://english.aljazeera.net/programmes/listeningpost/
Globalization and the plan for NWO / EU/Unfair Trade/Globalization / Whole book in Spanish about corruption in the UN
on: 22 May 2009, 23:16
those of you who can read Castilian (Spanish), that I know some do
there in the US, I leave here this tip of a very interesting book about
the NWO's facade head government: http://www.amaz*n.com/Onu-Historia-Corrupcion-Espasa-Spanish/dp/8467019336/This
book has been censored[1] in Chile and Uruguay. In this last country,
according to the author, because one of the key points of the Uruguayan
government's external policy is the participation in UN peace missions
and one investigation made by the UN itself discovered that a dozen
Uruguayan blue berets raped children during a mission in Congo. This
is the translation I've made from the text in the back of the
Portuguese edition. The only other language I know of in which this
book exists: "Since 1945 the UN has assumed a role trough
out it's history in many cases contrary to the spirit that used to mark
the UN Charter itself and to the ideals it was established with. "Eric
Frattini reports how «Trygve Lie, first secretary-general of the UN,
openly cooperated with McCarthy's Un-American Activities Committee in
it's "witch hunt" inside the UN; how Dag Hammarskjöld allowed the entry
of CIA agents in the UN headquarters and how he helped that entity to
manipulate Congo's policy; how U Thant protected six arab diplomats
suspected of murdering a north american woman in an orgy of blood and
sex in exchange for an important donation; how Kurt Waldheim hid his
nazi past and his years of service in Hitler's army; how Javier Pérez
de Cuéllar protected and promoted the personal influences and the
reckless spending among high UN officials; how Boutros Boutros-Ghali
protected high UN officials - personal friends of his - of serious
accusations of sexual harassment of female officials of the
organization; or how Kofi Annan closed his eyes in relation to the
biggest cases of genocide in Rwanda and in Srebrenica and, by
"omission", in relation to the biggest case of corruption of all UN's
history in the "Oil-for-Food" program, in which his own son, Kojo
Annan, was involved». "This book describes, with all the letters,
sixty years of fraud, corruption, favoring, reckless spending, sexual
harassments, wastes, rapes and tortures, pederasty, bribes, bad
management and a disastrous administration on the UN's part and of it's
specialized agencies."--- 1. http://www.corrupcionenlaonu.com/jornal.pdf
***THE MAIN BOARDS - Welcome to the Prison Planet Forum*** / Bilderberg 2008/2009 / Partial list of Bilderberg 2009 attendees (Estulin not included!)
on: 22 May 2009, 08:31
http://bilderbergbook.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=65&Itemid=1Author Provides Partial List of Participants and Peek at 2009 Bilderberg Group Proceedings(Spain—May
23) International best-selling investigative author Daniel Estulin has
received from his sources the 73-page Bilderberg Group meeting wrap-up
for participants. In the report no one is identified by name, only as
an American or European, or by a description of the speaker’s position,
i.e. member of the IMF. There appears to be some disagreement about who
was in attendance at this year’s secretive conclave held at a 5-star
resort in Greece. According to sources in Greece and the Bilderberg
Netherlands “office,” US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and US
General David Petraeus were at this year’s gathering. Both men have
denied this, according to a conversation held with a Washington, DC
reporter, who stated that Mr. Geithner was attending a private function
and General Petraeus was at Central Command. Using a purported
participant list, a “smear” campaign has seemingly been launched
against Estulin. On a French “left-wing” website ( www.bellaciao.org/fr/), and then posted in English on a populist forum in the US ( http://forum.prisonplanet.com),
it is claimed that Estulin was a known participant in this year’s
conference. “Hardly,” said Estulin, who laughed at the prospect, saying
that the Group has tried many things including threats and bribes to
keep him from reporting on its activities, but had never asked him to
attend. Estulin did his reporting this year from Spain, knowing from
years of coverage that the location in Greece physically precluded any
photographing of the participants. His book on the shadowy clique, The
True Story of the Bilderberg Group broke through the barrier that the
Group even existed with help from numerous photographs exposing the
elite that were taken by Estulin from 600-800 meters. The book has been
translated into 48 languages and sold millions of copies worldwide.
Estulin’s reportage of the annual meetings has led to many correct
predictions of world events, including the timing of the 2003 Iraqi
War, the rise and fall of oil prices, as well as the current economic
calamity and housing mess. There have been many posts floating
around the Internet claiming to be actual participant lists. Daniel has
a copy of an official list, and has confirmed much of it through photo
identification by staff at the hotel, a gentleman responsible for group
bookings there, and the Bilderberg executive secretary in the
Netherlands, who confirmed assisting Mr. Geithner with arrangements for
the meeting. Here is a confirmed list of the US delegation (more may be known later): Keith B. Alexander, Director of the National Security Agency Roger Altman, Former U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary under Bill Clinton George David, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Coca-Cola HBC Timothy Geithner, United States Secretary of the Treasury Donald Graham, CEO and chairman of the board of The Washington Post Company Richard Holbrooke, Obama’s special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan Vernon Jordan,
Senior Managing Director with Lazar Freres & Co. LLC, Boards of
American Express, J.C. Penney Corporation, Xerox, Asbury Automotive
Group and the Dow Jones & Company Robert Kagan, Senior Associate with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Member of the Order of Skull & Bones Henry Kissinger,
Political scientist, diplomat, and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize,
Kissinger Associates, Kissinger McLarty Associates, Board of directors
of Hollinger International, and Gulfstream Aerospace. Jessica Matthews, President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Craig Mundie, Chief research and strategy officer at Microsoft Richard Perle, American Enterprise Institute David Petraeus, Commander, U.S. Central Command David Rockefeller, Banker and statesman, Founder of Trilateral Commission Dennis Ross, Special adviser for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Paul Volcker, Former Federal Reserve director, Chair of President Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board James Wolfensohn, Former president of the World Bank Paul Wolfowitz, Former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, president of the World Bank, currently AEI scholar Fareed Zakaria, Journalist, author, and CNN host. Member of the Order of Scroll & Key According
to Estulin’s reading of the report, it looks as if there are serious
disagreements within the group. The hardliners, led by people like
Kissinger, are for dramatic decline and a severe, short-term
depression, but there are those who think that things have gone too far
and that the fallout from the global economic cataclysm cannot be
accurately calculated if Kissinger’s model is chosen. Among them is
Richard Holbrooke. What is unknown at this point: if Holbrooke’s point
of view is, in fact, Obama’s. Estulin says that the consensus
dealt a blow to those in the group who were hoping for economic
revival, agreeing that the recession will be deeper, and the road to
recovery longer and harder, than the happy talk coming from world
leaders. The terms used were “relatively slow and protracted.” Estulin
says pay attention to the press dailies: you will see quite a bit of
these two terms in the weeks and months to come. Estulin notes
that some of those who attended the annual conference will give another
more moderate view, stating that “the economy requires a period of
healing and that it will take time.” While this helps create a
dialectic in the press from two Bilderberg camps, both will pay heed to
the idea of “great uncertainty over the outlook.” According to Estulin,
over the next several months the Bilderbergers will purposely refuse to
commit to any specifics, simply pointing out “that there exist big
risks to a recovery still reeling from financial turmoil, making it
very difficult to assess developments.” Estulin reports that
some leading European bankers faced with the specter of their own
financial mortality are extremely concerned, calling this high wire act
“unsustainable,” and saying that US budget and trade deficits could
result in the demise of the dollar. Recent fears about their own
survival have not been quelled because, as one Bilderberg attendee
pointed out, “the banks themselves don’t know the answer to when [the
bottom will be hit].” According to the group’s report, however, all
agreed that the level of capital needed for the American banks may be
considerably higher than the US government suggested through their
recent stress tests. Estulin says that someone from the IMF
pointed out that its own study on historical recessions suggests that
the US is only a third of the way through this current one; therefore
economies expecting to recover with resurgence in demand from the US
will have a long wait. As another individual pointed out, “Equity
losses in 2008 were worse than those of 1929.” This individual then
added, “The next phase of the economic decline will also be worse than
the ’30s, mostly because the US economy carries about $20 trillion of
excess debt. Until that debt is eliminated, the idea of a healthy boom
is a mirage.” Estulin reports that according to a World Bank
representative at the meeting, government officials around the world
have proposed more than sixty new trade restrictions since the
beginning of the financial crisis, which some attendees found
distressing, as governments, in a downward spiraling economy embrace
protectionist policies to try and protect employment and generate
internal economic activity. George Ball, back in 1968 at a
Bilderberg conference in Canada, presented an outline of the advantages
of a neo-colonial world economic order based on the concept of a world
company. According to Ball, the first and most important thing that had
to be eliminated was the “archaic political structure of the
nation-state.” According to Estulin, for Bilderberg the very
structure of the nation-state and the idea of the commonwealth
represent the main obstacles to the creation of a neo-colonial world
empire. This is the first of a series of reports based upon
Daniel Estulin’s readings of the 2009 Bilderberg Group report. Limited
interviews with Daniel Estulin are available, please contact: Kris Millegan or Kent Goodman at publicity@trineday.net or 1.800.556.2012. URLs: www.bilderbergbook.comwww.trineday.comwww.danielestulin.com
Globalization and the plan for NWO / Technology / Re: HOWto -- Auto Play Radio Show -- via simple script
on: 22 May 2009, 07:07
some reason I can't test now the alarm plugin in Audacious (can't put a
bigger value that 13 in the hour field), but since the program also
plays Internet streams, it should be possible to configure the alarm to
start playing the show at any time we want.
Yep. I ended
up spending the whole night in front of the PC and just thought about
testing the alarm plugin with the Internet stream at 6:36 am 
after I saw an answer to my post. It works. The plugin has the option
of stop playing after a certain amount of time (like 4 hours, that is
the show duration), you can choose at which days of the week you want
it to play, and choose the hour at which you want it to start for each
day. You can therefore configure it to play the show for 4 hours during
the week days, skip Saturday and play it on Sunday at a different time.
The only thing that won't work as we would like it to, is that it will
play the Sunday edition for 4 hours also (live and first refeed). It
still won't let me put bigger values than 13 in the hour field and 49
in the minutes field. I didn't have this problem before. I'll make a
bug report tomorrow about it.
***THE MAIN BOARDS - Welcome to the Prison Planet Forum*** / Mind Control / Re: IN YOUR FACE NWO PLANS - Predictive Programming and Popcorn
on: 22 May 2009, 04:13
"The Running Man" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093894/This
one I also checked because it was mentioned at prisonplanet.com. I'll
just post the text shown at the introduction. I guess you can find more
information about it on the IMDb link, and other sites, if you're
curious to know more about the plot. "By 2017 the world economy
has collapsed. Food, natural resources and oil are in short supply. A
police state, divided into paramilitary zones, rules with an iron hand. "Television
is controlled by the state and a sadistic game show called 'The Running
Man' has become the most popular program in History. All art, music and
communications are censored. No dissent is tolerated and yet a small
resistance movement has managed to survive underground. "When high-tech gladiators are not enough to suppress the people's yearning for freedom... "...More direct methods become necessary."
***THE MAIN BOARDS - Welcome to the Prison Planet Forum*** / Mind Control / Re: IN YOUR FACE NWO PLANS - Predictive Programming and Popcorn
on: 22 May 2009, 03:01
"Enemy of the State" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120660/The
surveillance society. The NSA super spy grid. Killing politicians who
don't go along with the police state and people who know too much.
Government hiring of criminals to do the dirty work. Passing laws that
take away your (electronic) privacy and naming them "protection of
privacy" (just like they did here in Europe post-9/11!). The characters
in the movie debate a little the liberty for security exchange issue
and the movie ends saying that there's no problem with living in a
police state surveillance society as long as there is proper
"monitoring" of the state activity by the state itself. Also, the "good
guys" in the plot also use the surveillance techniques on the "bad
guys", therefore legitimizing it's use. But a most interesting part in
the movie (and this is why I checked the film, because I heard Alex
mentioning it once on it's radio show) is when the "good guys" get
access to the head "bad guy's" profile. In other profile searches in
the movie, no dates are mentioned, but in this one they mention the
birth date. The date: 9/11/40. (Is this an allegory for the birth of the surveillance society?) Might be just a coincidence, but it's an interesting one.
Globalization and the plan for NWO / Technology / Re: Infowarrior OS: suggestions needed for sites to include in OS
on: 22 May 2009, 00:33
Is it possible to make custom repositories, so someone could use something like apt-get to download movies, sound bytes, ect.
believe apt-get is used just for downloading and installing Debian
package (.deb) files. However, one could use wget to download movies
and audio clips and whatever.
From what I understand, you can create software packages with anything you want inside. A .deb package is like a .tar or .zip file. A bunch of different files wrapped up together. Not
to promote this particular ideology, but if you try, for example,
executing "sudo apt-get install anarchism" in a Debian-derived distro,
it downloads you a package with only html and text documents inside.
Not any kind of program. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deb_(file_format)(take a look at the "External links" section on the wikipedia page on how to create .deb packages)
Globalization and the plan for NWO / Technology / Re: HOWto -- Auto Play Radio Show -- via simple script
on: 21 May 2009, 23:41
some reason I can't test now the alarm plugin in Audacious (can't put a
bigger value that 13 in the hour field), but since the program also
plays Internet streams, it should be possible to configure the alarm to
start playing the show at any time we want. One thing I've done,
though, was to create a simple script that I can edit before I go to
sleep, to wake me up with the show refeed after a certain amount of
time, like: Anyone else here waking up with "The Alex Jones Show"? 
***THE MAIN BOARDS - Welcome to the Prison Planet Forum*** / Dehumanization / Re: modern schooling as a form of domestication and stupidification
on: 02 May 2009, 19:25
a later conversation, Rockefeller asked Russo what he thought women's
liberation was about. Russo's response that he thought it was about the
right to work and receive equal pay as men, just as they had won the
right to vote, caused Rockefeller to laughingly retort, 'You're an
idiot! Let me tell you what that was about, we the Rockefeller's funded
that, we funded women's lib, we're the one's who got all of the
newspapers and television - the Rockefeller Foundation.'
told Russo of two primary reasons why the elite bankrolled women's lib,
one because before women's lib the bankers couldn't tax half the
population and two because it allowed them to get children in school at
an earlier age, enabling them to be indoctrinated into accepting the
state as the primary family, breaking up the traditional family model.
revelation dovetails previous admissions[1] on behalf of feminist
pioneer Gloria Steinem (pictured) that the CIA bankrolled Ms. Magazine
as part of the same agenda of breaking up traditional family models."--- Paul Joseph Watson, http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/january2007/290107rockefellergoal.htm[1] http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evils%20in%20America/Feminism/gloria_steinem-feminism.htm
***THE MAIN BOARDS - Welcome to the Prison Planet Forum*** / The agenda for the Rockefeller/Rothschild/Beatrix Swine Flu Pandemic / is this swine flu pandemic being used to cause further economic collapse?
on: 01 May 2009, 01:45
just hit me today when I was hearing a news report in a TV station
about the impact on Mexican economy of the fact that people are being
told to stay at home. I don't know yet what to think of this
pandemic, but the number of deaths *confirmed* to have being caused by
this flu doesn't seem to justify such an alarm. We are in the middle of an engineered economic collapse. Could this be another push to help it? Two excerpts from an online news by Reuters: http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSTRE53N22820090430Mexico begins shutting down as flu fears spread Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:30pm EDT
By Catherine Bremer
CITY (Reuters) - Mexico began shutting down parts of its economy on
Thursday to slow the spread of a new flu strain as officials urged
increased worldwide precautions against an imminent pandemic.
Mexico, the worst hit country with up to 176 deaths, President Felipe
Calderon told government offices and private businesses not crucial to
the economy to stop work beginning on Friday to avoid further spreading
a virus that is striking across age and class lines."
"There is
no safer place than your own home to avoid being infected with the flu
virus," Calderon said in his first televised address since the outbreak
In Mexico City, where the virus has already brought
public life to a standstill, some were skeptical while others vowed not
to take part in the shutdown.
"Closing businesses is not right
and not fair. What are we going to live on? Air?" said Andres Garcia,
who works in a tailor shop in the old colonial center of the capital.
assembly for export factories known as maquiladoras, a pillar of the
economy, said it would defy the shutdown call while some of the
country's mines also vowed to stay in operation.
"We have
commitments that we have to meet, and if we don't meet them, the cure
will end up being worse than the disease," council head Cesar Castro
told reporters.
With its tourism industry savaged, shoppers
staying home and exports to the United States in steep decline, Mexico
could find itself in the longest, deepest recession it has seen in
years, according to analysts.
Mexico's peso was hammered by flu
fears on Thursday and its stock market slid. But most global markets
were taking the flu news in stride as traders focused on hopes that a
deep U.S. recession may be nearing its end.
"The information
that we have at this stage is it is a relatively minor (economic)
event," International Monetary Fund chief economist Olivier Blanchard
said, although he added that some countries and sectors could see
"quite dramatic" fallout from the outbreak.
Previous studies at
the World Bank have said a severe flu pandemic which triggers a
clampdown on trade could cost the global economy trillions of dollars.*** Only 7 swine flu deaths, not 152, says WHO("The Sydney Morning Herald" - April 29, 2009) http://www.smh.com.au/world/only-7-swine-flu-deaths-not-152-says-who-20090429-aml1.html
Globalization and the plan for NWO / Technology / Re: How NSA access was built into Windows
on: 01 May 2009, 00:07
wanting to transform this thread into a GNU/Linux help center (there
are other forums for that), I'll just say, concerning previous comments:
ATI cards, the last time I used one, about 2 years ago, were still not
well supported in GNU/Linux, so I ended up buying a NVIDIA. but this is
ATI's fault because they didn't/don't bother making decent drivers for
GNU/Linux - copying a CD/DVD iso image to a USB stick may not be easy, but can be done. search the Internet for a good tutorial -
GNU/Linux runs on desktops, laptops and netbooks (with wifi) with no
problems. there may be exceptions for more exotic non-desktop
models(?), but normally you just need to choose the best distribution
for your specific model or maybe do some extra manual configuring, not
automatically made during installation, to make everything work - if
you use more professional programs, that don't run on GNU/Linux, or
have an application that doesn't run well (yet) on GNU/Linux, you can
always leave a partition in your hard drive with Windows installed and
switch to it whenever you need it, using a GNU tool called GRUB that
let's you choose, when your computer boots, which OS you want to use.
if you decide to do this: repartition your hard drive, install Windows
first in one of the partitions, and your GNU/Linux distribution will
install GRUB for you at the same time it installs the OS itself